Blank Longboard deck with amazing quality factory direct. Cheap price
with best quality made in USA. You can also make it custom with your
own graphics online. The Logger long board is ready for you to make your
custom graphics. Need more space for your artwork? This is one of the
few shapes that can handle big images to pop off the deck for everybody
to see. Some like this board just to put art on it and hang it on the
Longboards Time Frames
1-9 Longboard deck printed with your graphic 1 month or shorter. Call for anything over 10 boards. This does not include ship time.
Bulk discounts please email us for pricing and availability.
We offer bulk prices and will find the best possible shipping option. Email us to save on 20 or more.
When will it Ship?
Printed Skateboard Time Frame
1-2 week on small runs of decks. Bulk orders please call us to let us know when you need them. These are Estimated time frames. Please note that multiple sizes or graphics in your order may take longer. Old School - Mini Cruisers require more labor and will take longer.